Dear Cafe Xinca Customer,
The 2013 coffee crop was lost due to a fungal outbreak on coffee farms in Guatemala and throughout Central America. Therefore we are not able at this time to continue to provide for sale our high-quality, shade grown, Arabica coffee. We hope that next year we will once again be open for business. Thank you for understanding.
Anavela Mijangos, President, Cafe Xinca
Xinca Academy graduates two more students! |

In addition to Claudia Monterroso, felicidades (congratulations) go to Belter Gonzalez (center) and Dayanni Gonzalez (right, not related) for completing 6th grade! Dayanni in particular is a success story; she came to live with my family so that she could be close enough to the school to attend classes every afternoon. Dayanni quickly caught up with the other children in her grade level and excelled! The next school year begins February 2010 and the Xinca Academy will contiue to support these three children as they begin middle school.
Preparing for the Coffee Harvest |
My father, Victor Manuel , reports that he and his workers are completing preparations for the harvest which begins towards the end of December. In addition to clearing brush and trimming back shrubs and trees, they build the coffee receiving and weighing area where pickers bring their coffee at the end of each day. Excitement is in the air as the 30+ coffee pickers will spend up to 2 months with my father, picking the coffee. The best paying job of the year, picking provides workers with cash to purchase essentials and provide for other needs. We hope to have a nice photo gallery of the "picking" in the next couple of months. |
Locally Roasted |
Master Roaster Al Welker, of Orange Roasters in Virginia, roasts our coffee in small batches, never exceeding 35 lbs in any particular roast, which is a sign of high-quality roasting, producing the full-flavor associated with coffees from my country, Guatemala. |
Holiday News and Coffee Sale!
Last month we rolled out our first Cafe Xinca News newsletter. Thanks to all of our customers for the positive response and for your recommendations for new coffee and coffee-related topics for future editions of the Cafe Xinca News.
Because the holidays are upon us, we focus this edition of the newsletter on 2009 accomplishments and direction and goals for 2010. We also offer coffee lovers the opportunity to Purchase Cafe Xinca, my father's coffee which includes Espresso, French, Spanish, Dark, and Medium roasts, all either ground or in whole bean, as well as green coffee for those connoisseurs prefering to roast their. In the spirit of the holidays, an additional 5% (currently 5% of all sales are donated to the Xinca Academy) of revenues made through the end of the year will be donated to Estanzuelas and El Platanar Elementary Schools to support snacks, tuition, supplies and construction projects.
Looking forward to 2010, we hope to expand sales to additional cafes, restaurants and specialty stores such as the Broad Branch Market, our number one customer. We are fortunate to have a great December coffee harvest this year which will allow us to broaden our reach and take my father's coffee to new markets.
Happy holidays and best wishes from Cafe Xinca.
Anavela Mijangos
Cafe Xinca angos Cafe Xinca
Conserving Our Soil with Conservation Practices
My father, Victor Manuel Mijangos Molina, understands the importance of caring for the land. The soil in particular, an invaluable, often irreplaceable resource, must by conserved if the coffee farm, El Recuerdo, is to be sustainble and still productive for the coming generations. In addition to planting carbon-sequestering, nitrogen-fixing shade trees, he maintains a living fence in which fence posts are living trees. The roots of these trees absorb runoff from rainfall as it flows toward the roads paralleling the fences.
 My father also plants "Isote", which we call the Yucca plant in the US, close togehter in rows in areas with a potential for soil erosion or in those areas already showing signs of erosion. The growing plants serve as a living barrier, capturing any eroding soil, thereby keeping the soil on the land and out of the streams. We also cook the white flowers in soups. They're delicious!
Finally, my father leaves large trunks from fallen hardwood and shade trees, as well as banana trunks (once an individual trunk produces bananas it yields no more and is cut down with a machete) which provide physical barriers to water/soil flow. These are just some of the soil conserving practices used by my family for generations, keeping our land healthy and productive and the watersheds clean! |
About Cafe Xinca, the
Humanitarian Bean
Why do we call Caf=E9 Xinca (pronounced "Sheenka") the "Humanitarian Bean"? First, let me tell you our story. Caf=E9 Xinca is produced on my family's coffee farm in the hamlet of Estanzuelas, located in a high-altitude region of rich, volcanic soils in southeastern Guatemala where coffee is the principal source of income. My father follows traditional sustainable coffee production practices that conserve the soil, incorporate bird friendly shade trees, protect water quality (no pesticides are applied) and ultimately lead to economic sustainability. Workers are provided fair wages, decent housing, quality food and drink, and sanitary facilities.
When you purchase Caf=E9 Xinca, my father's coffee, not only do you get a high-quality, flavorful, smooth coffee which has been roasted in small batches, but you are supporting the Humanitarian Bean!
Anavela Mijangos
Cafe Xinca | Email: info@cafexinca.com | Phone: 202-957-2734
5505 Connecticut Avenue, NW | Washington, DC 20015 |
Coffee Xinca Holiday Sale! |
Click, Purchase Cafe Xinca, to purchase your favority Cafe Xinca roast--Espresso, French, Spanish, Dark, or Medium-and an additional 5% (on top of the already-in-place 5% contribution) of all revenue made through the end of 2009 will be donated to the Xinca Academy to support Estanzuelas and El Platanar Elementary Schools. 2010 projects include: a new classroom, support for tuition and school supplies for three additional children, snacks for kids and other projects at the discretion of the Estanzuelas Elementary School development committee, composed of teachers and the school's director. |
Email: info@cafexinca.com | Phone: 202-957-2734 | |
Cafe Xinca | 5505 Connecticut Avenue, NW | #347 | Washington | DC | 20015
The Process
My Father
Xinca Academy