Café Xinca
Gourmet Guatemalan Coffee
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Dear Cafe Xinca Customer,
The 2013 coffee crop was lost due to a fungal outbreak on coffee farms in Guatemala and throughout Central America. Therefore we are not able at this time to continue to provide for sale our high-quality, shade grown, Arabica coffee. We hope that next year we will once again be open for business. Thank you for understanding.
Anavela Mijangos, President, Cafe Xinca

Xinca Academy

Café Xinca established the Xinca Academy in 2005 to support Estanzuelas Elementary School (K-6th grade) and its 500 students. With a population of more than 2,000, my rapidly growing village of Estanzuelas, located in the mountains of southeastern Guatemala, has outgrown its schools with little aid forthcoming from the national or local governments. Classroom furniture and basic materials including books, notebooks, pens, pencils, markers, and other classroom supplies are in short supply.

The Xinca Academy directly supports the education of three children, including Claudia Monterros and Belter Gonzalez, and improvements to Estanzuelas Elementary School:

ClaudiaClaudia Monterroso, supported by the Xinca Academy since 2006, is completing 6th grade! Next year she will begin 7th grade at Estanzuelas Middle School. Claudia lost her father and 5 brothers in a tragic car accident in 2004 leaving her mother a widow with 7 children to care for and raise and no money for school.

BelterBelter Gonzalez, a twelve-year old, just graduated from sixth grade and will be begin middle school next year. Belter's father works at low-paying jobs in Guatemala City, earning barely enough to provide food and shelter for the family

Estanzuelas Elementary SchoolSupport from the Xinca Academy made it possible to repair and paint Estanzuelas Elementary School.

Funding from the Xinca Academy now supports children in two local schools-Estanzuelas Elementary School, where students are provided with school supplies, shoes for the rainy season, uniforms, vitamins and other essentials so that they may continue their education and have the potential for a brighter future, and El Platanar Elementary School where students, many of them coming to school each day hungry, are provided a nutritious snack every morning. Every time you purchase a pound of Café Xinca gourmet coffee, $0.50 is donated to the Xinca Academy.

The Process
The Process
My Father
My Father
Xinca Academy
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Cafe Xinca Gourmet Guatemalan Coffee